Did you know that nearly 2 million children have fled the Syrian war since 2011? The civil war in Syria started in 2011 and has displaced over 5 million Syrians. The displaced refugees both in Syria and outside of Syria are in need of our help. Most have been displaced in neighboring countries and some are still searching for refuge.

Our staff at East Essence wanted to focus on helping the children of Syria since more than 50% of the Syrian refugees are children. Like any child affected by war, most of these children are in a constant state of fear, feeling lack of safety and have lost everything. These children have been out of school for long periods of time and have lost the basic necessities that most of us take for granted.

East Essence would like to raise $100,000 through our Help Syria’s Children Campaign. Mercy Corps will be the recipient of this donation since 86% of their donations goes directly to the source. Mercy Corps works all over the world, in the toughest areas to improve the lives of those affected by natural disasters, war and economic downfalls. They have helped over 258 million people since 1979.

What is the Help Syria’s Children Campaign all about? We had a friendly competition at our EE Headquarters to see who can submit the best T-shirt designs capturing our reflection on the current crisis with a focus on the children. We narrowed it down to 5 designs which we will be selling on Eastessence.com All profits will go towards the children of Syria. Our goal is to raise $100,000 and we need your help!

I know many were touched by Aylan Kurdi, the young boy found washed ashore after drowning while escaping Syria by boat with his family. There are many Aylans out there, but I believe his death was a wakeup call to the world. We have an obligation to our communities both locally and abroad. Let’s do what we can.

If you are like me, than you’ve probably asked yourself, what can I do to help? Well here is your chance. You can help in the smallest of ways; purchase a t-shirt to benefit these children. Contact your local Masjids, schools, employers and encourage them to purchase one too. We are also running a customer competition, the one single group or institution that purchases the largest order; we will be gifting 20 gift cards to the EE website in amounts ranging from $20.00-$50.00. T-shirts will sell for $10.00. The Institutions or groups with the largest purchase will be featured on our site.

Don’t tell yourself you can’t change the world. Stop…reflect…take action…and make the change. Bring peace to these kids’ lives so that we can start helping them rebuild. Spread the word and pray for the people of Syria. We would like to hear your stories and see you wearing these shirts, use #EEHelpSyriasChildren.


Follow this link for the stories of children taking refuge at the Zatari Camp in Jordan: http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/aug/23/syria-crisis-children-speak-refugee-camp-video

Photo Credits: www.mercycorps.org; www.worldvision.org; www.cbc.ca; www.huffingtonpost.com

Video Credit: www.theguardian.com

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